Saturday, September 13, 2008

I'm Siiiingin' In The Rain.........

Hi, Savy's back, after about 3 insanely hard weeks of school. That's actually the reason why I haven't posted an entry on here for so long: because I've been busy every single day(minus no-school days)!!! Here's a typical school day for me: Wake up @ 7 a.m., get ready(wash my face, put in my contacts, get dressed, etc.), be downstairs by 7:45 or 8(depends on whether I woke up to my alarm or not), eat breakfast & watch TV while my mom goes with Sydney & Jake to the bus stop. @ about 8 or 8:10, my mom does my hair & makeup, & I go to school. 1st period starts @ 8:45(TX History or Language Exploration), ends @ 10:10, then I go to "Advisory/D.O.G. Time"(free period/study hall, they just call it D.O.G. Time because our mascot is the Bulldog)until about 11, then I go to 2nd period(English), I have lunch @ noon, then 2nd period continues after lunch until 1, then I have 3rd period(Gym or Math)until 2:30, then I have 4th period(Choir or Science)until the end of the day, which is @ 4. I go home, have about 30 min. of free time or homework time until I have to get ready for swim practice. I start swim practice @ 5:15, end @ 6:30, come home, take a shower, eat dinner, & then have free time or finish homework, then go to bed @ 9:15(or later, depends on whether I have a lot of homework or not). & there you have it: a typical day for me. On Wednesdays, though, I usually skip practice to go to Mutual(Young Women)@ 7, ends @ 8:30. Well, the only bad thing is that it's raining. A LOT. It's because of Hurricane Ike in Houston & Galveston. I'm really worried because my Aunt Karen & Uncle Mark & my cousins Faith & Cole live in Houston. I don't want the hurricane to hit them. Well, I should probably get off now. My family & I are going to Chick-Fil-A, then when I come home, I need to finish my math homework that's due on Monday, & I'm going to do the extra credit work to turn in for my math test on Monday, so I can get the best grade possible. Progress reports are going to come out this coming week, too, school pictures are on Tuesday, & I'm going to join church choir starting Sunday. L8rs!


Karen said...

Thank you for worrying about us, sweet girl! We are fine. We are one of the fortunate ones who have power and supplies. There are many here who are suffering and going without. We are doing our best to help. It's very sad. Be grateful for all the comforts of home and food. The kids are very happy that school is cancelled for the week. I hope it has stopped raining there and that you are doing well. Tell your family hi from us, we love you!

Savvy C said...

Hi Aunt Karen. I'm so happy that you guys are safe & well. But it sounds like you had a really fun trip! I love San Antonio! I'm jealous, I wish I was out of school!
Love, Savy